

Red Hot Summer

Notice the cut-outs, yes thats my porcelain white mischief skin, not simply white fabric around the belly and straps. Its the details and perfection in cut that I most admire French Connection for, thank you FCUK.
Keepin it simple... and sexy, as usual. But seriously, I love this dress! So glad it found me, please don't ever leave.
Ray Ban 90s shades, vintage find by a small me in an airport in the 90s (airports are the best places). Dress FCUK. Boots, Target. Necklace, GIA pendant (yes I have one and love it), on a dog tag's chain.

So how do we feel should I add this to the Paris file? 
I'm looking for outfits to bring along. 
(make that Paris, London, +) (So Exited!)
(photos by Zach)

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